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Invited Speakers

Kevin Warwick
Professor of Cybernetics, Department of Cyernetics, School of Systems and Engineering, University of Reading, UK. Kw@cyber.rdg.ac.uk
Topic: Control of a Robot Hand, and Other Applications, Using Neural Signals Obtained through an Implant.

Dr. Warwick is internationally known for his cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence, control and robotics. In 1998 he shocked the scientific world by having a silicon chip transponder surgically implanted in his arm. A series of further implant experiments have taken place in which his nervous system was linked to a computer and to other humans. Dr. Warwick has been featured in numerous scientific journals, news magazines, and television shows.

Daniel Bullock
Associate Professor, Cognitive and Neural Systems Department and Psychology Department, Boston University, USA. Danb@cns.bu.edu
Topic: From Parallel Sequence Representations to Calligraphic Control.

Dr. Bullock’s research is focused on sensory-motor performance, learning, voluntary control of action, as well as serial order and timing. His work includes a neural network model of cursive script and a network model of timed response learning in the cerebellum. Dr. Bullock also has numerous publications in the area of cognitive development.

Stephen Grossberg
Wang Professor of Cognitive and Neural Systems;
Professor of Mathematics, Psychology, and Biomedical Engineering; Director of the Center for Adaptive Systems; Chairman of the Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems; Boston University, USA. Steve@bu.edu
Topic: How Do Children Learn to Write? Modeling the Link from Brain Dynamics to Complex Sensory-Motor Control.

Dr. Grossberg is one of the founders of the field of neural networks. Assuming behavioral mechanisms may be viewed as emergent properties of real-time brain mechanisms, Dr. Grossberg’s research is on developing models that are capable of adapting to increasingly complex environments. Dr. Grossberg has published numerous articles and reviews in prestigious scientific journals.

For further information, please e-mail hlteulings@neuroscriptsoftware.com

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