Call for Submission


The IFLA World Congress 2020 will be held in Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia from 13th until 15th of August 2020. It is a great global platform that brings together landscape architects and those from related industries and academia to exchange knowledge and expertise in improving the built environment within the natural systems.

The theme ‘Future Tense’ reflects the leading role of IFLA2020 World Landscape Architects Summit in forecasting future concerns and pursuing landscape architecture-based solutions. World-wide delegates shall share the way forward in thinking solutions, ideas and inspirations. This is to ensure that the landscape architecture profession is ready to face challenges and demands of society and environment, now as well as the near future.

The IFLA World Congress 2020 is proud to invite esteemed professionals, government agencies, academics, researchers, NGOs, and students to present their latest projects, achievements, findings, policies, community engagements and others. Presenters shall share how their projects, research or initiatives solve issues related to any of the four sub-themes as follows:

Finite Resources

As the world’s population is growing at a startling rate, our finite landscape and natural resources such as rivers, wetlands, and forests are diminishing fast especially in the urban areas. So, how would landscape architects address this issue in the years to come?

How can the planning and design of our landscape spaces sustain these finite resources for better future living condition and environment?

Homogenous Culture and Diverse Population

Globalisation and the advancement of transportation system and connectivity render our cities' population to be more diverse in ethnicity, religion, nationality, ability and thinking. As landscape spaces are usually "public" in nature, how could the planning and designing of our landscape spaces cater to these diverse demands, needs and preferences from various group of population?

How can we avoid conflicts among the various group of population? How do we plan for more diversity, rather than homogenous solution due to rural-urban migration? How do we ensure the resilience of our heritage and culture?

Transient Living

The advancement of Internet of Things (IOT) has changed many aspects of our lives. The way we work, communicate, socialise, and play are different from the past decades. In addition, the IOT is changing at a startling rate that makes many of us playing catch-up with technology. Consequently, we need to take into account the ways we plan and design our workplaces, playgrounds, housings, and parks to align with the fast tempo of information and decision-making. In this aspect, the natural built landscapes possess certain values, functions, and benefits that cannot be replaced by IOT and technology.

How can landscapes co-exist or complement this transient living environment where IOT is an integral part of our day-to-day life, now and the future?

Natural Disaster: Expect the Unexpected

Global warming changes our climate patterns and as a result, we are facing higher intensity of rainfalls, colder winter, and scorching summer heat. The effects of global warming that we are experiencing now are harsher natural disasters such as landslides, flash floods, coastal erosions, and forest fire, causing the lost of biodiversity and extinction of wildlife. Sustainable landscape planning and integration of green infrastructure have been the key solution since few decades ago, but natural disaster keeps occurring unexpectedly.

How does landscape architectural practice help to reduce natural disaster occurrences? Do we have new methods, approaches, techniques and skills?


The IFLA World Congress 2020 now invites delegates to actively participate and present their works in the following formats:


  • Delegates are invited to submit a maximum of 3 pages extended abstracts that are linked to the four sub-themes, comprising of introduction, issues/problem, approach of research/project, findings and solutions, conclusion, and references.
  • Kindly indicate the category to which sub-theme your abstract primarily belongs.
  • A scientific committee will review the extended abstracts.
  • Click here for the page format of the extended abstract.
  • The accepted extended abstracts will be selected for oral presentation or online publication.
  • Presenters are advised to prepare a maximum of 10 slides only for the 10 minutes presentation time allocated.
  • A Book of Abstracts shall be published on-line for the Congress.
  • Accepted extended abstracts will be invited to publish in a Scopus-Indexed Journal, AlamCipta: International Journal on Sustainable Tropical Design Research and Practice (Special Issue) with article publishing charges.
Submission procedures:
  • Author may register and submit the extended abstracts via this Link
Important dates:
  • 31st January 2020 :
    Deadline for submission of extended abstracts
  • To be informed :
    Notification of acceptance
  • 30th April 2020 :
    Deadline for registration of authors of accepted extended abstract
  • 30th June 2020 :
    Due date for slide/online presentation
  • 13th – 15th August 2020 :
    IFLA2020 World Landscape Architects Summit
  • 1st November 2020 :
    Deadline for full-paper submission for journal publication


  • The video competition is open to IFLA World Congress 2020 registered participants only without additional fee. Submission of an entry must be creative, engaging and inspiring, and relevant to one of the four sub-themes.
  • Entry can be as an individual or a team with at least one member registered and paid as a delegate in IFLA World Congress 2020.
  • The selected videos will be shown during the IFLA World Congress 2020 or published on the congress website.
  • Video may contain text, visual and music.
  • Video authors must have full copyrights to the submitted material, obtain necessary permission for music if used, and give credits to the original source.
  • The video must not contain material that is obscene, defamatory, libellous, pornographic, offensive or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offence or violates any law. The video must be appropriate for viewing by the general public and by a multi-cultural international community.
  • Incomplete entries or entries that do not comply with the formal specifications will be automatically disqualified.
  • Selected videos that meet the requirements will be shortlisted and informed to register and make payment for IFLA2020 Congress in order to be eligible for an on-site digital video exhibition.
  • Best selected videos will be nominated for various awards in conjunction with the IFLA World Congress 2020 event.
Technical requirements:
  • "IFLA 2020: FUTURE TENSE" text should be included at the end of the video. Please download the IFLA 2020 logo here
  • The submitted clips must be 90-120 seconds long, with a maximum of 300MB. Submissions exceeding 120 seconds may be disqualified.
  • Video must be uploaded to the link below in one single file in High Definition (HD) quality.
  • The videos can be in any language. Videos that are not in English must have English subtitles/text embedded into the video.
  • File format: MP4, AVI, WMV, MOV, FLV
  • Video frame sizes should be multiples of 16:9 – the widescreen aspect ratio.

The organisers have the right not to accept any entries that they feel may breach any of the guidelines, technical requirements or may bring the event and its organizer into disrepute without any notice.


The copyright of the materials submitted for this competition remains with respective participants. However, each entrant grants IFLA World Congress 2020 and its partners the right to use the submitted materials for promotions and educational purposes by crediting the copyright owners.

Confidentiality and protection of personal data:
  • For the processing of this competition and to avoid misuse of personal details, the organiser observes the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA)
  • No personal data is shared with third parties for direct marketing.
Judging criteria:
  • Content of the video inline with the sub themes - 45%
  • Creativity expressed - 35%
  • Production quality – 20%
Important dates:
  • 31st January 2020 :
    Deadline of Video Submission
  • To be informed :
    Notification of acceptance of videos
  • 13th – 15th August :
    IFLA2020 World Landscape Architects Summit


  • Submission of an entry must be relevant to one of the IFLA2020 four sub-themes.
  • The jury will consider research or project that has relevant issues/problems, approach of research/project, findings and solutions.
  • Selected posters that meet the requirement will be shortlisted and informed to register and make payment for IFLA2020 Congress in order to be eligible for an on-site digital poster exhibition and the MLAA12 Awards.
Submission format:
  • The submission will be in a PDF poster format (A1 size, portrait) maximum two sheets, to be submitted via the online link. Please download the poster templates here
  • Each poster will be judged by local and international juries.
  • Best selected posters will be nominated for various awards during the Malaysia Landscape Architecture Awards, MLAA12 in conjunction with the IFLA World Congress 2020 event.
Judging criteria:
  • Introduction and issues/problems- 15%
  • Approach/method of research/project- 25%
  • Findings and solutions- 25%
  • Contribution to knowledge practice- 35%
Important dates:
  • 31st January 2020 :
    Deadline for poster submission
  • To be informed :
    Shorlisted poster announcement
  • 13th – 15th August :
    IFLA2020 World Landscape Architects Summit

The copyright of the materials submitted for this competition remains with respective participants. However, each entrant grants IFLA World Congress 2020 and its partners the right to use the submitted materials for promotions and educational purposes by crediting the copyright owners.
